Frequently Asked Questions

In Patient Treatment

What is inpatient treatment for mental health conditions

Inpatient treatment involves a stay at a mental health facility where individuals receive intensive, round-the-clock care and support for mental health conditions. It is designed to provide a structured and therapeutic environment for individuals in need

How long does inpatient treatment typically last?

The duration of inpatient treatment varies depending on the individual’s needs and the severity of the mental health condition. It can range from a few days to several weeks.

What types of conditions are treated in inpatient facilities?

Inpatient treatment is suitable for a wide range of mental health conditions, including but not limited to depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and severe mood disorders.

How is inpatient treatment different from outpatient treatment?

Inpatient treatment involves residing at a mental health facility for intensive, 24/7 care, while outpatient treatment allows individuals to live at home and attend therapy sessions during scheduled appointments.

What can I expect during my stay in an inpatient facility?

During inpatient treatment, individuals can expect a structured daily schedule that includes therapy sessions, group activities, medication management, and other therapeutic interventions. The goal is to provide a supportive and healing environment.

Can I bring personal belongings to the inpatient facility?

Yes, we allow individuals to bring personal belongings such as clothing, toiletries, and personal items. However, certain items may be restricted for safety reasons.

Will I have access to my phone and other electronic devices during inpatient treatment?

Normally yes, unless you have specified that you do not wish to have this

How is medication managed during inpatient treatment?

Medication can be a component of inpatient treatment, and it is managed by a team of healthcare professionals. Medication plans are individualized based on the specific mental health condition and the needs of the individual.

What happens after inpatient treatment?

After completing inpatient treatment, individuals often transition to outpatient care or step-down programs. These may include partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient programs, or ongoing outpatient therapy to support continued recovery.

Will I have the opportunity for family involvement during inpatient treatment?

Yes! We offer family therapy sessions and educational programs to support the family in understanding and contributing to the individual’s recovery. However, the extent of family involvement can vary.

How do I know if inpatient treatment is the right option for me?

Inpatient treatment is typically recommended for individuals experiencing severe symptoms that require intensive, immediate intervention – or for people who simply wish to have some time out. A mental health professional will assess your needs and recommend the most appropriate level of care based on your condition.

Can I be held against my will?

No, entry to our facility is entirely voluntary – you will never be forced to remain under our care

Am I free to leave at any time?

Yes, upon entry to our care we will agree upon a treatment plan, details of which would include the planned duration of your stay, the needs, your goals, your wishes for visitation and your exit criteria

Do I have my own room?

Yes, upon entry to our care you will be allocated a room that only you and the medical staff can enter – you will be responsible for all items in that room

Is admittance counted as a 51-50 Hold

No, a stay with Imotional Support is to allow you time to recharge and reassess your needs, you are not hospitalised and you are free to come and go as needed (based upon an agreed treatment plan)

I have been placed on a 51-50 Hold, can I stay with you?

No, if you have already been placed on a hold then you are not able to be admitted to our facility at this time. We are here to help you before you reach that point.

What happens if I get worse?

if your condition detoriates and you are deemed a risk to yourself or others, it may be necessary for you to be placed on a mental health hold – this would be arranged with SAHA

What do you charge for your services?

A persons financial situation should never be a barrier to their Mental health well-being. As such, at Imotional Support we operate on a model of “you pay what you can afford”