Frequently Asked Questions

Relationship Therapy

What is relationship therapy, and how does it work?

Relationship therapy, or couples therapy, is a process where couples work with a trained therapist to address and resolve issues within their relationship. It involves open communication, collaborative problem-solving, and developing strategies for a healthier partnership.

How long does a typical relationship therapy session last?

Sessions typically last around 60 minutes. The duration may vary depending on the therapeutic approach and the complexity of the issues being addressed.

How often should we attend relationship therapy sessions?

The frequency of sessions depends on the needs of the couple and the recommendations of the therapist. Initially, weekly sessions may be suggested, with the possibility of reducing frequency as progress is made.

Is everything discussed in therapy confidential?

Yes, therapy is confidential, and your therapist is bound by professional ethics and laws to protect your privacy. However, there are limitations to confidentiality, such as if there is a risk of harm to yourself or others.

Can we attend therapy if we're not currently experiencing major issues?

Certainly. Relationship therapy is beneficial for couples at any stage of their relationship, whether they are facing specific challenges or seeking to enhance their connection and communication.

What types of issues can be addressed in relationship therapy?

Relationship therapy can address a variety of issues, including communication problems, conflicts, intimacy issues, trust concerns, and major life transitions. It’s a versatile approach that can help couples navigate different challenges.

Do both partners need to attend every session?

While it’s ideal for both partners to attend every session, there may be situations where one partner attends alone initially. However, the goal is usually to involve both partners in the therapeutic process.

What should we expect in the first session of relationship therapy?

The first session typically involves discussing the reasons for seeking therapy, the history of the relationship, and the goals both partners have. It’s an opportunity to establish rapport with the therapist and ask any questions you may have.

Can relationship therapy help if we are considering separation or divorce?

Yes, relationship therapy can be beneficial even if a couple is considering separation. It provides a space for open communication, understanding, and exploration of options, helping couples make informed decisions about the future of their relationship.

What do you charge for your services?

A persons financial situation should never be a barrier to their Mental health well-being. As such, at Imotional Support we operate on a model of “you pay what you can afford”